Calgary Lock & Safe is now offering leasing options to our clients, which might sound a little strange if you're most familiar with leasing a vehicle. So how could leasing your doors, locks, automatics and more from Calgary Lock & Safe help your business?
Essentially, a lease is a legal document whereby the leasing company, our partner, buys equipment and loans it to you for a monthly payment over a set term, with an option to purchase the item at the end of the term. When you lease an automatic door, for example, you're essentially financing the door over anywhere from 24 to 66 months. Working with our leasing partners, you can determine what the final amount owing at the end should be according to your needs. You can minimize that final amount left to pay, making it an easy buy out at then end and essentially, you've used a leasing tool to finance your purchase.
Why should your business lease equipment?
You might consider leasing to:
Conserve your cashflow so you're prepared for unexpected costs and opportunities
Keep your bank lines open for other business expenses
Shield your business from taxes - lease payments are 100% deductible
Spread payment out over time to improve affordability
Get the higher end equipment you need now and for the future, rather than settling for what you can afford today
Increase your business' spending power - get the full suite of equipment you need now
How can you lease equipment from Calgary Lock & Safe?
Talk to one of our Project Managers and ask them about leasing your equipment. They'll connect you with our leasing agent with whom you will complete a standard credit application. In some instances a down payment may be required.
What are the interest rates?
The interest rate and administrative costs are built in to your payment, and your rate will depend criteria such as the following:
Type of business
Time in business
Financial strength of your business
The nature of the equipment you're leasing
What is the buy-out?
There are many options for what your buy out could be. Options range from $10 to 10% of the equipment cost, to what the fair market value is remaining. Ask your accountant to assist you in the best structure for you, a $10 buy-out may be considered a "finance" contract while 10% may be considered an "operating expense."
Other benefits to consider
Leasing with Calgary Lock & Safe and our partners offers many flexibilities, including seasonality (only paying during your busy season), buying out early with no penalty if you have an influx of cash, and leasing only a portion of the equipment. Additionally, leasing can include costs such as installation labor, making your entire purchase more affordable.
How do you get started?
Talk to one of our experience Project Managers to get started, we can work with you to understand your needs, build a tailored solution for you, and offer you some insight on what your monthly payment might be.